
Temme Obermeier GmbH
Rosenheimer Str. 44
D-83064 Raubling
Tel.: +49 (80 35) 9 50 85-20
Fax: +49 (80 35) 9 50 85-99

New address from Feb. 13th 2017:
Dr.-Steinbeisser-Strasse 7
D-83026 Rosenheim
Phone: +49 (8031) 796 78-10
Fax: +49 (8031) 796 78-59

Managing Directors: Dr. Axel Dölle and Hans-Dieter Lochmann
Jurisdiction: Traunstein, HRB 17966
VAT Reg. No.: DE257780262


how to reach us

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T//O - Service - Installation

- Technical installation work in membrane, ETFE foil, steel and cable structure construction

Working together with qualified partners in engineering, production and fabrication, we can look back on a long-time and successful expert knowledge in projects of any size. Our team consisting of internationally experienced site managers and installers is ready to face new challenges.

- Site Management by internationally experienced site managers
- Installation by certified rope access workers
- Extensive quality and performance reports
- Exact time management